There show how to process transfer to poster from start to finish paint picture.
Please, see from bottom to top:
Finally, I photo it with a special light and camera. It transfer to Adobe Photoshop and edit some of them such white balance, high light, and colour tone.
6th Step
Did you see red circle on top? There spell had been mistaken and I repaired it. And red circle on bottom was adding red fonts that looking balance around red fonts (top, right and left).
5th Step
I almost to complete it although I find some error. Did you notice there's error or mistaken somewhere this image? Is this image looking weary/bored?
4th Step
Add white and shape typography. They were a little different from 2nd step comprehensive, because they look interesting and style.
3rd Step
To add planes and colour tone.
2nd Step
I think about several planes, typography, and colour shapes need to put position on this green background. This is for a comprehensive and I played them in Photoshop.
1st Step
Start to paint this green wood board. There size is 18 x 24". I spent time to cover acrylic paint and add some other shapes.
Half Artwork
When I painted the white acrylic covers the wood board, it was adding more colours on it. This week, I will be completing the International Women's Day board, and update it again this week. :)
I drew the pencils on comprehensive board, while it transfer to wood board.
I was drawing colours thumbnail, while I looked up at
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