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Showing posts from February, 2012

"International Women Day" Update

There show how to process transfer to poster from start to finish paint picture. Please, see from bottom to top: Final Finally, I photo it with a special light and camera. It transfer to Adobe Photoshop and edit some of them such white balance, high light, and colour tone. 6th Step Did you see red circle on top? There spell had been mistaken and I repaired it. And red circle on bottom was adding red fonts that looking balance around red fonts (top, right and left). 5th Step I almost to complete it although I find some error. Did you notice there's error or mistaken somewhere this image? Is this image looking weary/bored? 4th Step Add white and shape typography. They were a little different from 2nd step comprehensive, because they look interesting and style.  3rd Step To add planes and colour tone. 2nd Step I think about several planes, typography, and colour shapes need to put position on this green background...


Drafts: At first, I thought I could add only blue and white colours. Later, I draw draft paper and I'd a good idea to add the glass of colours liquid to pour off. They stream of colours liquid to create a face. Clay Maker: I prefer to put a nice shot this image! Final Image: The word "Fluid" was challenged in my mind, because I usually to make a clay shape and digital paint on background.


Drafts:  The word "popularity" (in Illustrator make me think of art class.  I was doing paint on a red apple was on centre from all of other green apples. Therefore, I added some cute apples with their eyes. Most of teenage girls were always told me their favourite music player was "Justin Bieber". This is why I drew a draft this. Pause.... I thought how to make a clay face that similar to justin bieber? I was sure it took hours to finish this face in clay shape. Clay Maker: This same green shape apple, but they changed position- both leaves and white eyes. Final Image: Popularity is related to an red apple on the centre among green apples. They are appearing with emotion such as happiness (fan), jealousy, suspense, etc.


Drafts:    Back time I studied the history book that two kings cheer up with poison in the gold glasses. I guess this is why they were doing carefully to drink them and suspense each other.  Clay Maker:    Finally process this image:  I checked the Illustrator and there appears word "Suspense". I remembered it when my friend was almost kidnapped by a stranger at outside. He offered kid to come to buy for a ice-cream. My friend said she didn't know who he was because she felt not to trust this man. His cloth was not ordinary owner of ice-cream shop or a scary his face. She refused him and leave him quickly (ran to where school bus waited for her).